Interested Folk


Sunday, December 4, 2011


Sugarland- Just Might (Make Me Believe)

"If you can look in my eyes and tell me we'll be alright, if you promise never to leave you just might make me believe."

I used to live this song. I used to think about how much better I would feel if someone loved me so much that bills and school and stress didn't matter. As long as they could hug me and say it will all be alright and that they'd always be there with me, no matter what was happening, maybe I would actually believe life would be ok. I was there once. It didn't work out.

So now, when I listen to this song, I realize that the more someone promises to always be there for me, and the more people feel the need to tell me everything will be ok, the less I believe them. To be honest, it makes me very sad and I don't want to fall in love anymore.

It doesn't feel worth it. So I don't really know where this leaves me. Just a thought.

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