Interested Folk


Monday, January 31, 2011

In the beginning...

While this is quite the unjustified comparison, I'd like to continue by pointing out the obvious: God created the world and humanity with a plan. I'm not creating this blog with a plan. Unlike God, my creation is very insignificant and I can't imagine it would matter in the least what my plan would be were I to have one. I'm quite sure I'm typing poetically, though completely unsure as to the reason. Perhaps it's simply my mood.

I spoke with a friend recently who tried to convince me to "blog", and while he probably believes himself successful as he reads this, I'd have to disagree, He simply planted the seed (not to downplay his role, because I'm quite grateful for it). Since then, I've considered "what would I write about if I created a blog?" Surprisingly, though equally unsurprisingly I suppose, I thought of my opinions on a variety of topics as I walked across campus, or sat contemplating on my bed, or reading my Bible, or even reading Facebook posts. Finally, after a week or so, I concluded that perhaps my ideas are worth sharing, whether it's for the benefit of others who are questioning the topics I'll inevitably write about, or simply to make me feel better to consider the possibility that someone is interested. As I tried to think of a title for my blog, I realized I have not read anybody's for many years so I stalked the mind of others via internet. I found myself completely absorbed by posts -- from stories of deep spiritual revelations to ramblings about their day -- for hours and hours. Perhaps, if I'm lucky, someone will find themselves absorbed in my thoughts as I was absorbed in these individuals' viewpoints.

To return to my Master Plan metaphor... I'm not sure exactly what this will be about. Will I post ramblings about the distasteful clothing style of my generation? Will I tell the world how I feel about controversial topics, like homosexuality and life decisions? I suppose it's inevitable that I discuss both, and I'll simply leave my plan as "go with the flow." I'm not too concerned. A question of greater concern is at hand: will I be pouring out my heart to a world that couldn't care less? I don't know. Perhaps. We'll see.

Truly, I have come to a point
where I couldn't care less.
This is my space
to speak.

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